Wrestling Families:

In wrestling, commitment, strength and stamina count;

and our CHS Wrestling Team cannot succeed without

the same from our wrestling families.

For a successful season we ask that you…

1.      Volunteer.

●     Attend Wrestling Booster Club meetings. Every parent/guardian of a wrestler or stat is automatically a member of the Booster Club, and we want your input & involvement. Meeting dates will be communicated by Coach Bair.

●     Concessions & Hospitality: We require our wrestling & stat families to volunteer for at least three concession or hospitality shifts, one of which must be the Sectional Tournament. If you don’t sign up for your expected shifts by the start of the season, we will assign your shifts for you.

●     Table Workers: The team also needs volunteers to staff the scoring tables during home events. Coach Bair will be sending out information for those sign-ups. These shifts do not fulfill your concession volunteer requirement.

●     Team Food. Our team fees help pay for food during tournaments, and we ask our parents to help purchase, prepare, transport and serve this food at the events.

●     Big Boosters Concessions: Centerville Athletic Boosters supports our team financially, and we must provide volunteers for select athletic events through the year. These concessions needs will be posted on the website.

2.      Support our fundraising efforts.

●     Laundry Sales – This is a mandatory requirement for each wrestler. All money raised goes directly to our wrestling program to provide a quality program for our teams (Youth, Middle School & High School). Click HERE for more laundry sale information and HERE for the order form.

●     Big Booster Membership – The Centerville Athletic Boosters ask all sports families to join the Boosters instead of participating in a school-wide fundraiser. 

●   Shop at Kroger! – Kroger supports the Wrestling team through the "Community Rewards" Program.

3.      Financially support our team.

●   Be sure to pay your Team Participation Fee ($100), which is collected at Meet the Team Night.  (Please note if your family is experiencing financial hardship contact our Booster president.)

Many hands doing a few jobs is far better

than a few hands doing many jobs.